
who we are

HC3 is an Information Technology and Management Consulting group that specializes in Healthcare technologies with a focus on medical lab and healthcare institution engagements. Our goal is to help the client improve their technology environment, facilitate business growth and achieve operating efficiencies.

Focus areas include:


status report

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Hector ut mauris a felis cursus sed nunc sedamet lullam donec.Cras eget neque eget pede pretium arcu tempus. Curabitur gravida. Proin magna scelerisque ligula.Nisi ut malesuada augue lacus vulputate enim. Integer sodales dolor at tincidunt ornare.Read More

news & updates


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Call to schedule a no cost consult: 469.955.2864


Project / Program Management Are projects getting successfully accomplished – on time, within budget and with the expected results? Does senior management have a prioritized project list outlining deliverables and progress?


Staffing ServicesWe provide senior level technology professionals. Our clients leverage us to deliver only the best in project and technology leadership talent to meet the needs of their mission critical projects.


Business & Technology Alignment Does your organization have a detailed strategy and execution plan outlining what the IT organization needs to accomplish to enable the Business to meet their goals?

available positions

Implementation Project Manager 04.05.12 |  MoreDallas, Texas
Contract to hire

CoPath Analyst03.26.12 |  MoreDallas, Texas

Sector business forte01.05.09 |  William H. HendricksSedium dui id tellus. Nunc odio libero etos condimentum et porta vivendum.



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